24 Feb 2022 Technical What is Podcasting 2.0, and why is it important? Podcasting 2.0 is an initiative by one of the co-creators of the podcast medium. It’s trying to help the industry evolve, but not
08 Jul 2020 Technical Creating an image manipulation pipeline with Amazon S3 and Lambda functions I’m working on a project involving thousands of massive TIFF images, which are sitting in a basement. Those images need to go to Amazon’
27 Aug 2018 Podiant Docker Technical Installing Rancher to create and manage a Kubernetes cluster Update: When I went through this initially, I didn't realise I was setting up a high-availability cluster meant just to run Rancher... which
12 Mar 2018 Podiant Docker Technical Breaking up a monolith Project Anvil is the name I gave to the biggest and most significant project refactor I’ve ever undertaken. I don’t want to call
07 Jan 2018 Podiant Technical From S3 to Spaces A productive weekend in which everything didn’t fall apart, which was good. I spent a good deal of Saturday getting things ready to move